Your detailed guide to Vintage & Classic Car Insurance
What is Comprehensive Cover for
Vintage & Classic Cars?
The Comprehensive insurance cover for Vintage & Classic Cars provide protection against financial losses to the owner due to following events:
An accident.
Theft of vehicle.
Natural Calamities
It includes the Third Party Cover which offers protection against damages to the third-party (the other vehicle involved in the accident) by the insured vehicle (As per Motor Vehicle Act of India). Third party insurance is mandatory for all vehicles running on the road.
This insurance also provides coverage during vintage and classic car rallies across India (held on Saturday or Sunday only)
This insurance also provides compulsory Personal Accident cover for Owner.
Personal Accident cover for Paid Driver can be taken as an Add-on
What does the Comprehensive Cover for Vintage & Classic Cars NOT cover?
Car wear and tear and normal ageing
Mechanical or electrical breakdown
Damages while driving either without license or under the influence of liquor.
Any loss / damage due to war / mutiny or nuclear risk.
Are there any special conditions?
NO, there are no special conditions, but please note the following points. These are almost the same as any other motor vehicle insurance you already use for your regular cars with just a few exceptions specific for vintage and classic cars.
Any electrical accessories / specific modification which is not part of the original vehicle supply by the manufacturer should be mentioned separately during proposal stage to consider & charge premium accordingly.
Voluntary Deductible / Excess INR 7,500/- in case of Normal Claim Compulsorily Excess as per the tariff.
Voluntary Deductible / Excess of INR 12,500/- in case of Claim occurs due to a vintage-car rally
Compulsory Excess of INR 1,000/- for Vehicle less than 1500 CC applicable in addition to Voluntary Deductible.
Compulsory Excess of INR 2,000/- for Vehicle above 1500 CC applicable in addition to Voluntary Deductible.
In case of the transfer of ownership during the year, the policy may be cancelled and premium will be refunded as per IMT guidelines.
Rate of depreciation as per the tariff as follows:
All rubber nylon / plastic parts, tyres and tubes, batteries and air bags - 50%.
All fiber glass components - 30%
Parts made of glass - Nil
All other parts including wooden parts as per applicable age, here >10-year-old vehicle - (50%).
Extension of Rally Cover does not apply to speed tests, dexterity trials, hill climbs or motor racing (whether organized separately or included in the course of a rally).
The Rally extension does not cover either the driver and / or the passengers carried in the vehicle or the promoters of the event.
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What is Third Party Cover for Vintage & Classic Cars?
The Third Party Cover only offers protection against damages to the third-party (the other vehicle involved in the accident) by the insured vehicle (As per Motor Vehicle Act of India). Third party insurance is mandatory for all vehicles running on the road.
This insurance does not provide any other benefit to your vehicle.